19-06-21 – Windhoek – Namibia – Addis Ababa – Cairo – Egypt

Our travel day started with pancakes and coffee at the campsite. Since the Vineyard also offers conference rooms, we watched a group play break-up games while we were there. Or they watched us eat breakfast, as you ‘d take it. We stopped at a souvenir store on the way to the airport. It offered not only “normal” things, but also hunting trophies. There were many antlers and taxidermied animals, even lions and leopards.

The demand seems to be great. You can also buy oryx or springbok skins at street stalls. However, I would not have expected that rare animals are so easy to buy. We drove again to the “Puma” gas station and then to the Rental Station. Altogether we drove 7009,8 km in our 28 days roundtrip Namibia-Botswana-Zimbabwe. Unfortunately we could not return the car and the camping equipment undamaged. We only found out there that the floor plate of the second tent is broken and the bumper hangs down on the right side. The elephants were a bit stronger than we thought. Our cover is still missing and the rear one has two big cracks. Not to forget the dents left by the stone throw in the Caprivi peak. A few scratches on the roof and the body the employee did not even put on record. The car is fully insured through the comprehensive insurance. With the camping equipment we must probably make the own contribution of 10,000 NAD. At least we got off lightly ourselves and remained uninjured. Probably more people die by elephants and hippos than by lions!


19-06-20 – Bagatelle Game Reserve – Mariental – Kalahari – Windhoek – Vineyard Country

We had a visit this morning from two ponies, two springboks and an ostrich. The ostrich wanted to come with us most of all.

After we were already 1 hour on the way to Windhoek, the reception of Bagatelle Game Reserve contacted us that we haven’t paid the bill completely yet. Since we had booked everything together in advance online, we assumed that everything would be clear. But only the campsite was paid by credit card and the game drive still had to be paid. So we went back and paid our open bill. Thus we lost some time, which we would have needed to sort things. This was done in the dark at our new campsite near Windhoek, in Vineyard Country. For dinner we cooked rice with schakalaka. We used up our supplies +- some small stuff.
