Knee intermediate!

Dear Ones,

since so many enquiries come to my knee, here is a small intermediate.

The wound has been sewn with a long thread. The seam is about 4 cm long and runs directly under the kneecap with a kind of loop at each end.

Reiner thinks it looks quite good again. But a… I don't want to send a photo. But a big patch is now enough. I can walk solala with it. Cycling, swimming and sauna are cancelled. (Too bad!) On the train, however, I can always put my leg up nicely.

I do not yet know when and where or how the thread can be pulled! Since there are not several small threads side by side, I would be reluctant to try it myself. Reiner has offered to do a YouTube course in pulling the strings. 😉  And if there is no doctor's office on the island of Olchon on Lake Baikal, that may have to be.

This is a photo of Reiner's dinner! Lamb with vegetables, rice and cooked garlic bulb! I had mushroom and potato tampons.


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