Minca – El Paraiso de Tuki – Coffee

Yesterday evening from 21:00 o’clock there was no electricity until this afternoon. But everything was quite relaxed, probably happens here more often and we have our headlamps. In the morning at 8:00 breakfast and then we took the coffee tour in Spanish and English. We had a fun group with 2 Canadian couples and a Colombian. The guide is here on the farm every day and comes from Venezuela currently lives in Minca. Here is grown purely organic and in rather small quantities (40 hectares of coffee) mainly Arabiata. The plants are almost all harvested, as the season is coming to an end. However, we did spot some beans, about the size of cherries, and the pickers still come from the field with full panniers and dry the beans on the concrete surface.

It is picked by hand. In the further processing the coffee is washed, the first skin is peeled off and then it is put into a basin for fermentation. Then it is dried and the second skin is removed. It is then roasted, ground and ready to be brewed. If the plants are infested with pests, the only option is to cut them down and replant them, as no chemicals are used. Cocoa is also grown and processed on El Paraiso de Tuki. We had homemade banana chocolate cake for coffee in the afternoon. Coffee and cocoa we get here around the clock as much as we want. In the evening, the landlady served us a delicious cena (dinner). We had tomato soup and risotto with grilled eggplant. We are the only overnight guests here and once the day tourists have moved on, all you hear are the birds and crickets. The red sun in the evening over the mountains was beautiful to watch.


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