Bogota – Lima Travel Day

Again we had to say goodbye. Unfortunately we didn’t meet Shakira, who by the way is from Barranquilla, in person. Above the clouds we flew with VIVAAir Colombia to Lima/Peru. From our last peso I treated myself to a new travel pillow. First impression of Lima: huge, lots of traffic, terracotta.

A cab took us to the hotel “Casa Serena” in Miraflores, a newer part of the city. We bought something to drink, yogurt and banana and let the evening end in the courtyard.

By the way, Nico from Berlin, with whom we just spoke yesterday morning about the topic of “robberies”, told us that he was threatened and robbed by two men with a knife yesterday evening on the way from the valley station of the Monserrate to the city on a busy street together with his friend. He was still lucky and the robbers left with cash and a door check card in a separate wallet. But Nico was still quite shocked.


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